SGIS Annual Conference: What are you trying to say?

Projet en bref

Date et lieu

20 - 21 mars 2015, Geneva, Suisse
Institut International de Lancy


Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS)

DĂ©tails du projet

The SGIS Annual Conference 2015 titled: “What are you trying to say?” Language, communications and technology in the 21st century learning environment will be bringing together the members of The Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS). The Group’s mission is to support international schools in Switzerland and neighboring countries in achieving their educational goals and to provide representation on issues of common interest. It will be the first bilingual SGIS Annual Conference and ICVolunteers is very glad to provide its interpretation services.

The aim of the conference is to maintain and to foster interaction between teaching communities at all levels. The conference will cover themes and topics that are both relevant and stimulating. The main focus will be on confronting the challenges of the communication and learning environment which is constantly changing mostly thanks to new technologies and other facilitations. 

You can find more information on the website of Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS):

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