Au cours de l’Assemblée générale de Copenhague qui s’est tenue courant printemps 2012, Le Centre Européen du Volontariat (CEV) a lancé le 9 mai sa publication sur l’infrastructure du volontariat en Europe. Plus...
NET.LANG, est un guide pédagogique, politique et pratique permettant d’appréhender et de comprendre les principaux enjeux du multilinguisme dans le cyberespace. Plus...
La place de l'anglais dans le monde est devenue un sujet de controverse laissant peu d'espace à une évocation moins polémique des aspects positifs d'une langue véhiculaire internationale. Plus...
This paper primarily talks about the art and use of distributed computing specially in the aspect of volunteer computing and how it can help the African Scientist in the fight against diseases and disasters where high computational simulations are required. Plus...
Dans ce récit, Shindouk, chef de Tribue de la Communauté Ouladnagim au Mali, nous décrit son voyage en Europe pour participer au Sommet sur la Société de l'Information à Genève (2003). Plus...
Within the last few years, the use and dissemination of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) has changed the way people exchange information and knowledge. Plus...
A laboratory for new mechanisms... Viola Krebs, Director of ICVolunteers and Focal Point of the WSIS Volunteer Family, published by Heinrich Böll Foundation. Sep 2005.
Using both lessons learned and the overall concept of volunteerism as building blocks for multi-stakeholder approaches
To many, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process has been a laboratory: its innovative mechanisms holding the potential to serve as effective models to help shape future UN meetings and summits, as well as other processes involving multiple stakeholders. Plus...
It was at the African Regional Conference in Bamako in 2002 that the volunteer sector first became involved in the process of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Plus...