The CEV launches the "Volunteering Infrastructure in Europe" publication

CEV, traduction française: Julien Andrioletti
15 June 2012

The European Volunteer Centre (CEV) launched the “Volunteering Infrastructure in Europe†publication during the Spring 2012 CEV General Assembly in Copenhagen (9 May). The publication comprises details about the physical structures, support mechanisms, human resources, knowledge, research and sustainable funding, made available to support volunteers and volunteer organizations in 29 European countries.

“This publication intends to serve as a living resource documenting and recording the development of the volunteering infrastructure across Europe†remarked Eva Hambach, CEV President.

It includes a foreword by John Macdonald, Head of the Task Force for the European Year of Volunteering 2011, European Commission, and chapters on Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Collecting all the data was made possible by the expertise and availability of professionals in the volunteering sector, CEV members and partner organizations. Viola Krebs and Diego Beamonte of ICVolunteers wrote the Swiss chapter.

You can access it online on ISSUU or download the entire document.

CEV welcomes content contributions from new countries as well as comments and updates on the existing chapters via email to

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