Conference "Social Challenge of Development"

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

26 - 28 February 2003, Geneva, Switzerland


Graduate Institute of Development Studies (IUED), Universities of Geneva and Lausanne and United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Event organized in the context of a RUIG research project.

Project details

The aim of this conference is to exchange ideas linked to "the social challenge of development", a theme that is also the subject of a RUIG research project.

While the conference is not the end product of this research project, its conclusions may be added to the research report.

Furthermore, the results of the conference and their further interpretation will serve to enrich teaching and possibly lead to other research projects. Its final goal is to propose elements and solutions allowing to influence national and international development policies.

Volunteering Opportunities

ICVolunteers will take care of the welcoming of participants, FrenchEnglish interpretation, as well as other logistical tasks.

Short Term Projects

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