Primer Simposio Internacional sobre la Educación Post-primaria de los Refugiados

Photo: Viola Krebs
Photo: Viola Krebs

Resumen del proyecto

Fecha y lugar

18 - 19 Septiembre 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
Institut Universitaire d'Etudes du Développement (IUED)


Refugee Education Trust (RET) and a steering committee composed of representatives from CARE, Education International, IRC, JRS, LWF, Windle Trust/Hugh Pilkington Charitable Trust, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF and The Graduate Institute of Development Studies.


Experts on refugees and/or education from NGOs, governments, international organizations, research institutions, the media and the corporate sector.

Detalles del proyecto

There are at least 1,5 million refugee children aged 12-17 in developing countries today. Only 3% of them have access to education. Yet their generation will be called on to lead their war-torn societies tomorrow.


  • To reaffirm the urgent need for more and better post-primary education for refugees.
  • To exchange information and experience and enhance co-operation.
  • To improve our knowledge of post-primary education for refugees.
  • To take stock of good practices and recommend practical measures.

Eight thematic workshops were held by expert speakers. Participants were invited to share good practice and formulate practical recommendations. Topics: Statistics, in emergencies, returnees and reconstruction, gender, life skills and conflict prevention, vocational training, and distance learning and ICT.

The Honorary Guests included Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand as well as Ms. Mary Ann Wyrsch, the Deputy UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

External links

Oportunidades de voluntariado

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