Sustainable Development in the Knowledge Era

Volunteer reporters Fatima and John are capturing one of the Conference Plenary Sessions.
Volunteer reporters Fatima and John are capturing one of the Conference Plenary Sessions.

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

30 - 31 October 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
World Meterological Organization (WMO)


Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development, IBEX.


The conference is aimed at potential sponsors, project developers and other interested parties working in the field of sustainable development.

Project details

The first Project Convention on "Sustainable Development in the Knowledge Era" featured projects that focus on the sharing of knowledge on Sustainable Development and the turning of Agenda 21 into action.

The Project Convention benefited from the establishment of innovative partnerships between governments, foundations and the private sector around the following areas:

  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Sustainable Communities
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Health Networks
  • Micro-Finance and Business Development
  • Rural Development
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Enterprise Development and Training

Project collaborations was set prior to the Convention and information provided on the web. Projects were formally presented at the event in plenary sessions and than discussed in round tables and workshops.

Meetings were set up between project leaders, partners, potential investors and sponsors and other convention participants. Organizations offering relevant financing, management services, software, technology or equipment were invited to exhibit at the event.

All participants received access to a Sustainable Development Knowledge Management platform designed to support collaborative projects and knowledge sharing. Following the Convention this web site will be updated to maintain information about the status of project collaborations and provide access to open source contributions.

Importantly the Convention should not be seen either, as a 'one off' event nor in isolation, but rather a first step on a journey toward?'collaborative process of knowledge sharing and development of sustainable business models'.


Working toward the goals of Agenda 21 requires innovation and a holistic entrepreneurship approach to be practiced in our organizations, our economy and our society. It is widely recognized that current and future technology advances, will be major contributing factors in the successful implementation of sustainable models. Finding ways of financing the introduction of innovations in developing countries is a major challenge today.

As a response to these unprecedented challenges, IBEX and the Bellagio Forum are organizing this convention on "Sustainable Development in the Knowledge Era", an opportunity to show "real" examples of sustainable projects and launch an on-going knowledge exchange on project implementation and collaboration.

External links

Volunteering Opportunities

20 volunteers assisted with welcoming and registration of delegates, as well as reporting writing and interpretation FrenchEnglish.

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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