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MigraLingua – Training modules for community interpreters

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

26 November 2014 - 09 January 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
ICV Arcade

Project details

In the framework of the MigraLingua program (linguistic accompaniment of Non-french speaking migrants, ICVolunteers is looking for Community interpreters to participate to its training modules.

Participants should have with the following profile:

Mother tongue: in priority Albanian, Arabic, African languages (Amharic, Igbo, Tigrinya...), Farsi, Mongolian, Portuguese, Russian, Tamil... (or others)

Fluent in French (at least reading and speaking).

We offer you the opportunity to help people who face problems in their integration process, to live a strong human experience and to see the world around you from a different point of view.

Training modules

Several training modules are organized between the end of November and beginning of January 2015. The purpose of this training is to provide participants with the basic elements of community interpreting in situations of trialogue and ensure an introduction to intercultural mediation.

If you wish to participate in our training modules, please contact us as soon as possible by email to the following address: or by phone: +41 22 800 14 38.

If you need further information about our MigraLingua program, please visit

We are looking forward to meet you!

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