"Green Games" Workshops

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Project at a glance

Dates and Place

27 November - 18 December 2013, Genève, Switzerland
ICV Arcade

Project details

The GreenVoice program, whose goal is to raise awareness on environmental issues, especially among young generation, is hosting the “Green Games†workshops.

“Green Games†are a series of workshops organized Wednesdays afternoon, from 2pm to 5 pm and are aimed to children aged 6 to 12. The workshops will be held on the following dates: 27 November, 4, 11 and 18 December 2013. The central focus is environmental friendly toys. Our goal is to teach children to make their own toys and accessories, from recycled materials, and promote GreenVoice ideals, based on environment protection and respect.

As we head toward Christmas, the next workshops will allow children to create their own presents, which they could keep for themselves or offer them as Christmas gifts. The objective is to promote a different vision of 

The workshops will be supervised by the GreenVoice team and volunteers. They will be organized in ICV new Arcade, located 106 rue de Carouge, 1205 Geneva.

You can participate to the “Green Games†in two different ways.

If you have children or if you know someone in your circle of friends or family, and if you would like them to participate to the “Green Games, Christmas Editionâ€, you can contact us by indicating which date you would like to sign up your children.

If you like to work with kids and wish to volunteer to these workshops, you can also contact us. As the workshops will be directed for local children, speaking French is necessary. We rely on our volunteers to help us make this a successful and fun event, therefore, we kindly ask you to select days you can commit to.

Please contact us by phone: 022 800 14 36 or by email: greenvoice@icvolunteers.org

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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