Philanthropy Forum

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

22 September 2012, Switzerland


Project details organized a Forum on Philanthropy and behavior change - building bridges to fund system change on Thursday, 20th  September 2012 in the Centre de Conférences Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland.

Forum details:

It takes more than ever all sectors to make progress on the most important and far-reaching environmental challenges. Foundations and philanthropists have to be an advocate to address system change. What constitutes success for foundations in funding behavior and system change? Should foundations direct more resources into work that questions values and system change, rather than initiatives that work with the environmental, social and political status quo? How does public sector funding for environmental initiatives compare to funding from foundations? How do foundations, social investors and philanthropists measure the social return of their activities? How effective are tools and guidelines for impact oriented reporting?

Numerous practitioners in the field of philanthropy met on this occasion and addressed these issues with first-hand experiences, case studies, research and results.


  • Imke Kappes, Research Assistant, Center for Entrepreneurial and Financial Studies (CEFS), TUM School of Management, Technical University Munich
  • Robin Millington, Director, European Climate Foundation, The Hague, Netherlands
  • François Münger, Head of the Water Initiatives division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Corporate Domain Global Cooperation
  • Nicola Pulman, Head of Development - Trusts and Foundations, University of Oxford, Oxford
  • Thierry Renaud, Programme Manager, MAVA Foundation, Gland
  • Susanne Wittig, Ashoka Switzerland, Zürich
  • Linda Zurkinden-Erismann, Partner & Managing Director, GmbH, Berne

Volunteering Opportunities

ICVolunteers contributed to the success of this event by providing two interpreters French <> English.

Short Term Projects

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