4th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

Opening Ceremony of the 3rd Platform, photo Fernando Garvizu
Opening Ceremony of the 3rd Platform, photo Fernando Garvizu

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

19 - 23 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland



Project details

The Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the Global Reconstruction Conference were jointly held from 8 to 13 May 2011 at the International Conference Center in Geneva, Switzerland. More than 2,600 participants attended the international conference, including representatives from over 168 governments, 65 non-governmental organizations and 25 intergovernmental organizations.

100 volunteers of ICVolunteers put in thousands of hours, and their contribution was critical for the success of the event.

From 19 to 23 May 2013 will take place next Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. Once again, it will bring together leaders from governments, international organizations, non-governmental entities, and the private sector to discuss ways in which disaster-related risk management can best be addressed.

Key outcomes to achieve during the Fourth Session include:

  • A stronger and more sustainable ISDR movement world-wide that leads to increased responsibility for reinforcing resilience to disasters.
  • A dynamic and trend-setting forum for decision makers, partners, experts and practitioners to announce initiatives, launch products, share information, promote campaigns, and provide evidence around disaster risk reduction.
  • Directions and new alliances for the development and use of new tools and methodologies aimed at understanding and applying the economics and investment in disaster risk reduction.
  • A forum to discuss progress and consult over a post-Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA).
  • Events that follow-up and progress on the 2011 Global Platform (examples may include an update on disaster loss in schools and hospitals, accounting for disaster losses, the status of National Platforms, and progress of the Children's Charter for Disaster Risk Reduction).
  • Priorities and directions reflected in the outcome document - the Chair's Summary.

See about 2011 ICV Team

Volunteering Opportunities

ICVolunteers is looking for one hundered volunteers to get involved in many aspects of the this important event, including reporting, photography, room supervision, welcoming services and translations.

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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