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World Civil Society Forum (WCSF 2002)

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

08 - 20 July 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
International Conference Center Geneva (ICCG)


World Civil Society Forum, Mandat International. A working group of over 500 organizations from 80 countries contributed to the preparatory process of the Forum.


1,000 delegates representing the United Nations, NGOs, the academic and private sector.

Project details

The Forum aimed to facilitate and strengthen cooperation between civil society (NGOs, indigenous peoples, research centers, etc.), the United Nations and other international organizations. It gathered approximately 1,000 participants and covered the main fields of activity within the international arena, creating a dialogue between all major stakeholders. The creation of a permanent forum to strengthen cooperation between civil society and international organizations was also discussed.

The Forum included plenary sessions and thematic working groups on the main fields of activity, including:

  • Sustainable Development and Environment;
  • Human Development, including Health and Education;
  • Human Rights, including gender issues;
  • Collective rights, including indigenous peoples, minorities and right of peoples to self-determination;
  • Peace and Security, including Humanitarian assistance;
  • Technologies, including Internet and Communications.

Participants to the Forum had the opportunity to adopt common positions and resolutions.

External links

Volunteering Opportunities

The 165 volunteers of ICVolunteers contributed some 12,000 hours to the preparation and realization of the Forum, carrying out a wide range of tasks:

  • Helping with the preparation of the Forum
  • Welcoming delegates
  • Reporting and writing session summaries
  • Handing out documents
  • Ushering and supervising rooms
  • Interpreting and translating
  • Helping with transportation of the delegates

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