Debate with Chinese dissident Harry Wu

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

10 September 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
Maison des Associations

Project details

On 10 September 2012, at Café de la Maison des Associations in Geneva, took place debate with Harry Wu, one of China’s most famous dissidents.

Harry Wu is a human rights activist in the People’s Republic of China and the founder of Laogai Research Foundation in Washington, active in the fight against forced labor in China.

During the debate Mr. Wu shared with the guests his experience and difficult times as a dissident back in 1960's when he was sent to a work camp for 19 years. He also talked about his experience when he arrived to the USA with only 40 dollars and was forced to sleep in a park. After facing many difficulties in the beginning of his new life in the USA, he eventually became a resident and citizen of United States of America, and started to work as a human rights activist and met the Dalai Lama. Beside his activity, Wu opened the Loagai Museum in Washington D.C., calling it the first ever United States museum to directly address human rights.

The evening of 10 September was dedicated to the human rights in China and also to people who live in Geneva and had similar experience as Harry Wu. He was giving them courage and inspired the audience through his testimonial.

ICVolunteers supported this event by providing English and French interpretation.

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