Geneva Health Forum 2012

Photo © ICVolunteers
Photo © ICVolunteers

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

18 - 20 April 2012, Geneva, Switzerland

Project details

A Critical Shift to Chronic Conditions: Learning From the Frontliners

Chronic diseases are of growing importance. While non-communicable diseases currently seem to be capturing the agenda, both chronic infectious and non-infectious diseases, pose major challenges to health systems in high and low-incomes countries in stable and emergency situations. The long-term nature of many chronic conditions warrants a comprehensive and sustainable health systems response that brings together a trained workforce with appropriate skills, affordable and reliable supplies of medicines and technologies, and empowerment of patients and communities. These new realties reflect the interplay of various factors such as changing lifestyles, economic development and urbanization. The need for a multi-sectorial response has never been greater. These challenges present new opportunities for science and technology to contribute to the improvement of access to health.

This year’s theme is the result of a consultative process involving hundreds of previous participants and partners. While there have been several calls to action, aiming at raising the profile of non communicable diseases, very little has been heard from those at the frontlines.

We intend to give them a voice and keep the health debates pragmatic and grounded in action.

The Geneva Health Forum 2012 will tackle these issues by confronting regional perspectives, bringing together local and regional examples. It gives priority to facilitating exchanges and diffusing lessons learned from local and regional initiatives, which can offer potential solutions to the global issues at hand.

  • Chronic Diseases: Beyond Silos
  • Medicines & Diagnostics
  • Specific Groups & Settings
  • Redesigning  Health Services
  • Information & Technologies
  • Gender
  • Health Professionals
  • Research &  Education 
  • Equity & Empowerment
  • Interventions & Initiatives
  • Environmental & Non Health
  • Health governance & policies

Role of ICVolunteers

In 2006, 2008 and 2010, ICVolunteers played a major role in the Geneva Health Forum, with over 60 volunteers for each Forum involved in many different aspects of the conference, including reporting, room supervision, welcoming services and language assistance. In 2012, we will again be involved in these same activities. To read the reports of the past conference, see

Volunteering Opportunities

We are looking for volunteers involved in welcoming services, room supervision and conference reporting (English). If you are interested, please send an email to volunteer (at)

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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