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Arigatou International Brainstorming Seminar 2011

Photo © Arigatou International
Photo © Arigatou International

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

26 - 28 October 2011, Switzerland


Arigatou International

Project details

Arigatou International, is an international faith-based NGO committed to build a better world for children. From 26 to 30 October 2011, Arigatou is organizing a consultation to further develop their ‘Learning to Live Together’ document, an intercultural and interfaith program for ethical education.

The consultation will take place in Caux, however, all the participants will arrive at the Geneva International Airport, and then will take the train to Caux.  We would like to kindly request volunteers to meet those participants arriving at the Geneva airport on Wednesday the 26th & Friday the 28th of October, and direct them on to the main train station; Gare Cornavin.

This is a great opportunity to meet and interact with education experts from around the world working to improve the quality of global education.

If you are interested to volunteer with us, and you have not registered yourself on our website yet, please click HERE to register and send an email to

If you already volunteered before with us, please contact our conference coordination team at +41 22 800 1436 or send us an email to

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