EKTA International Mobilisation Conference

Projet en bref

Date et lieu

12 - 13 septembre 2011, Geneva, Suisse


Ekta Europe Network and Ekta Parishad

DĂ©tails du projet

In a world of contrasts – growing interdependence side by side with growing inequalities between and within countries – this Conference seeks to explore the ways that non-violent grassroots mobilization is defending rights, promoting social justice and providing a viable route to sustainable development.

Even economies which are benefiting from globalization and have growing industrial and high-tech sectors also have significant rural populations who rely for their basic livelihood on agriculture and the resources of the land. Poverty and discrimination are persistent, especially for the landless and for indigenous groups. Corruption and inequality are a breeding ground for violence by the powerful as well as by some of the radical groups who oppose them.

This Conference is focused on presenting, analysing and building support for non-violent alternative models for democratic policy, economic and social change. It will draw on the experiences of non-violent land rights movements such as Ekta Parishad in India and grassroots movements in other countries of South East Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Possibilités de volontariat

Interpreting from and to English, Spanish and French

Projets court terme

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