21st EECERA Annual Conference

Projet en bref

Date et lieu

14 - 17 septembre 2011, Geneva, Suisse


European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA); a consortium formed of Geneva and Lausanne Universities, two High professional Schools and local authorities from both cities.

DĂ©tails du projet

The theme of the 2011 EECERA Conference is "Education from birth: research, practices and educational policy". It focuses on what practices exist for early education and what should be developed. What are the educational policies in this respect and what could be promoted? Research contributes to our knowledge about this complex reality and helps define projects for the future.

The 21st  EECERA annual Conference is organised by a consortium formed of Geneva and Lausanne Universities, two High professional Schools and local authorities from both cities.

The conference will take place from 14th to 17th September 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland. ICVolunteers is looking for volunteers to assist with the following responsibilities:

  • Welcoming Services & Information Desk;
  • Registration & Room Supervision

We are seeking volunteers with computer literacy to assist with the registration procedures and loading of presentations and other technical responsibilities within the session rooms.

External links


Projets court terme

ICVolontaires collabore avec des volontaires et encourage l'engagement citoyen, en mettant en relation des organisations, des individus et des communautés ainsi qu'en accompagnant leurs efforts dans ce domaine. Dans cette perspective, ICVolontaires développe des projets et mÚne des initiatives.

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