First global forum on medical devicesProject at a glanceDates and Place09 - 11 September 2010, ThailandOrganizersOMS Project detailsThe first global forum on medical devices brought together 500 stakeholders including: policy makers, professional, international, UN and nongovernmental organizations, funding agencies and users of medical devices. The forum is organized by WHO and hosted by the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. WHO has organized the forum to mobilize stakeholders to establish networks and share knowledge on best practices, information and tools available with respect to health technology management systems, regulation, assessment and use of medical devices. The forum will provide an opportunity to discuss the critical role of medical device policies in terms of: the implementation of the first resolution on health technologies (WHA60.29), the achievement of universal access and patient-centred care with respect to national health strategies. Posted: 2011-2-27 Updated: 2012-1-07 |