6th Conference on Investigative Journalism

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

22 - 25 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland


Swiss Investigative Network

Project details

The 6th Conference on Investigative Journalism will be held in Geneva from 22 to 25 April 2010. The Conference brings together several hundreds of journalists from around the world, sometimes working in difficult conditions and contexts.

The goal of these Conferences is for investigative journalists to exchange, during four days, their experiences, tips and professional practice in a way which is strictly non-academic and very much focused on the "how to do" and the "need to know", rather than the « nice to know ». During the Conferences, there are an average of 60 to 100 panels, conferences, round tables and workshops and each evening is devoted to informal networking and socializing.

The Conferences mean success: from Copenhagen to Lillehammer, close to 600 reporters now attend the event, from veteran investigative reporters working for prestigious outlets, to young talents from various places around the globe.
A lot of attention is devoted to sharing experiences and mutual exchanges among brave colleagues from dangerous and exposed places. The Conferences have also had more and more significance amongst top leaders and the public, as they have been the catalyst for trans-national investigative projects, international funds, awards and solidarity tools.

This year’s Conference is being organized by the Swiss investigative network, a non lucrative organization the goal which is to promote a professional exchange between the Swiss investigative reporters and their foreign colleagues.

Volunteering Opportunities

ICVolunteers is looking for interpreters to work from and to English, French, Chinese and Arabic.

Short Term Projects

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