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Think Future, Volunteer Together

Last CEV Meeting held in Prague in May 2009
Last CEV Meeting held in Prague in May 2009

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

19 November 2009, Brussels, Belgium
The European Parliament


European Volunteer Center (CEV)

Project details

The European Volunteer Centre (CEV) is a European network of currently 74 mainly national and regional volunteer centers and volunteer development agencies across Europe, that together work to support and promote voluntary activity.

The member organizations of CEV represent thousands of volunteer organizations, associations and other voluntary and community groups at local, regional, national and in some cases international level.

CEV channels the collective priorities and concerns of its member organizations to the institutions of the European Union. It also acts as a central forum for the exchange of policy, practice and information on volunteering.

One such priority is senior volunteering and active aging, in a Europe where life expectancy is increasing and where senior citizens have a critical role to play. This is the context in which CEV is organizing a conference entitled “Think Future, Volunteer Togetherâ€. The main aim of the event is to present the results of the EU-funded project on senior volunteering exchanges to all the decision makers and relevant stakeholders in this field.

For further information about CEV, see

Volunteering Opportunities

For this event we are looking for volunteer interpreters to cover the following languages:
  • Hungarian <> English
  • Italian <> English
  • Romanian <> English
  • Slovak <> English
  • Slovenian <> English
If you are interested, please fill in our registration form. For more information, please contact volunteer [at] or give us a call at +41 22 800 14 36.

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