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First Global Ethics Forum

"The Corporate Social Responsibility in times of crisis"

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

01 - 02 July 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
United Nations


Global Ethics Forum Association

Project details

The first edition of the Global Ethics Forum was held at the Palais des Nations of the United Nations in Geneva on July 2nd & 3rd, 2009. The Forum brought together 512 accredited participants: CEOs, managers, universities, international institutions and experts around the following topic “The Corporate Social Responsibility in times of crisisâ€.

During one and a half day, the Forum’s agenda has been developed through an interactive conference program: keynote speeches, roundtables and workshops and based on three different themes:

  • How can Corporate Social Responsibility strategies and practices be made innovative and relevant in times of crisis?
  • How can Corporate Social Innovation lead to sustainable development?
  • How can management education develop an alternative to the dominant economic paradigm, induce a change in the business leaders’ mindset and develop globally responsible leaders?

Among 32 international speakers of the Global Ethics Forum, 3 special guests:

  • Patricia Werhane, President of International Society of Business Economics and Ethics, (ISBEE) & Executive Director of the Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, DePaul University (USA)
  • John A. Quelch, Lincoln Filene Professor of Business, Harvard University (USA)
  • Mallika Sarabhai, Founder of Darpana for Development, Performer, Activist and Social Entrepreneur (India)

Role of ICVolunteers

Volunteers of ICV took care of welcoming services and room supervision of the event.

External links

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