Swiss Philanthropy ForumResumen del proyectoFecha y lugar05 Marcha 2009, Zurich, SuizaHotel Widder OrganizadoresStiftungszentrum, Berne. ParticipantesFoundation representatives; donors and particulars interested in philanthropy; influential personalities from the philanthropy sector, committed to socially responsible entrepreneurship. Detalles del proyecto The philanthropic world currently finds itself in the midst of huge growth and structural shift. Indeed, the sector is becoming increasingly aware of the growing interdependence between the political, social, economic and environmental contexts. During the Forum held in Zurich, "Philanthropy and innovation: between paradigm shift, efficiency and trust", numerous people renowned in the field of philanthropy will focus on these questions. Among others, there will be representatives from "La Fondation Ethos" in Geneva, "Terre des Hommes" in Lausanne, "la Fondation Novartis pour un Developpement Durable" and "Globethics". For more informations: Papel de ICVoluntariosICVolunteers is looking for four locally-based volunteers to help the organisers in the logistics and registering; a photographer; and a German-speaking reporter with editorial experience and an interest in philanthropy issues. External Publicado: 2009-2-17 Actualizado: 2009-11-29 |