Fair: Humanitarian & Solidarity ProfessionsPulse para descargar metiers_hum08.pdf (1.3M) Resumen del proyectoFecha y lugar28 - 30 Noviembre 2008, Annemasse, FranciaComplexe Martin Luther King, Rue du Dr Baud OrganizadoresAnnemasse agglomeration ParticipantesInternational Cooperation professionals, charities, students, training institutions Detalles del proyectoOn 28-30th of November 2008, Annemasse will host the First Fair on Humanitarian and Solidarity Professions ever organised in France. This important event will bring together professionals from among the major NGOs working in France and Switzerland, who will share their experiences and their work in the humanitarian field. A number of training institutes will also attend the Fair and will offer courses for young people who are willing to engage in the humanitarian sector. Booths, round table discussions, conference sessions and various other activities will be animated by professionals of international cooperation and will provide participants food for thought on the different commitments involved in this special field of work. Friday 28th will be reserved for high school students from the Franco-Valdo-Geneva area. Many activities will be offered through role play, videos, drama and debates in order to raise public awareness over humanitarian issues and to explain the work of professionals in this sector. The Fair is one of the 12 steps of the famous Tour de France Humanitaire, and will bring together over 30 NGOs and charities in order to advocate for humanitarian professionalization by disseminating information about the profession, statutes, recruitment processes etc. ICVolunteers-France will attend the event as a member of the ICV Federation, and will have a stand that illustrates all the various activities of the organisation. If you are interested to participate actively at this event rather then to be a simple spectator, do not miss this opportunity to sign up as volunteer and to help us run our stand where you will also enjoy a privileged position during the Fair. Training will be given before the event. More info: www.ghs74.fr External linkswww.ghs74.fr Oportunidades de voluntariadoICVoluneers recruits volunteers to help running the stand. A training will be provided before the event. Publicado: 2008-10-29 Actualizado: 2008-11-18 |