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AIDS 2008

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

03 - 08 August 2008, Mexico City, Mexico


International AIDS Society (IAS)

Project details

The very first International AIDS Conference was held back in 1985 in Atlanta, United States of America. Since, the very large gathering of health professionals, social workers and activists is held every two years in a different location around the world.

AIDS 2008 is held in Mexico City, providing many opportunities for the presentation of important new scientific research and for productive, structured dialogue on the major challenges facing the global response to AIDS. Conference organizers have developed a wide variety of session types that meet the needs of various participants and support collective efforts to expand delivery of HIV prevention and treatment to communities worldwide. Central to many of these sessions will be the transfer of knowledge and sharing of best practices.

In addition to the conference sessions there are a number of activities, including satellite meetings, exhibitions, the Global Village and the Cultural Programme, that are integral to delegates' experience at the conference.

Objectives: a conference that promotes scientific excellence and inquiry, encourages individual and collective action and dialogue, and fosters accountability.

A key element and backbone of the gathering is the 2000-person volunteer programme, involving individuals of all walks of life, from a variety of backgrounds.

While most of the onsite volunteers are locally recruited and managed internally by the AIDS Conference, ICVolunteers is involved in the mobilization of some technical volunteers, in particular to ensure online interpretation of some of the sessions.

External links

Volunteering Opportunities

To that extent, we are looking for interpreters to work from English to French and Russian.

©1997-2025 ICVolunteers|design + programming mcart group|Updated: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|