IBM Solidarity Week

Photo © R. Moraes
Photo © R. Moraes

Projet en bref

Date et lieu

28 mai 2008, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil

DĂ©tails du projet

On 28 May 2008, ICVolunteers-Brazil participated in the Week of Solidarity organized by IBM, in Rio de Janeiro.

During this day, officials were able to know a little more about the benefits of personal commitment and free will of those participating social and humanitarian action promoting a better world.

During its presentation, ICVolunteers had a chance to show to representatives from IBM and other entities the strategies used to motivate people and raise awareness about the relevance of their commitment to contribute to meaningful projects, in line with their interests and personal skills.

Each action that involves volunteers, adds a human factor to initiatives ICVolunteers-Brazil, because it promotes the development of capacities and skills necessary to making individuals active citizens able to think critically and help preserve the environment, for a better society, marked by more equity and ethics.

Volunteers contribute to making inititives possible. We would like to thank them for their support!

To learn more about the ICV-Brazil, visit and sign up with ICV!

Projets court terme

ICVolontaires collabore avec des volontaires et encourage l'engagement citoyen, en mettant en relation des organisations, des individus et des communautés ainsi qu'en accompagnant leurs efforts dans ce domaine. Dans cette perspective, ICVolontaires développe des projets et mÚne des initiatives.

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