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Intellectual Property Watch

Translations for IP Watch

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

10 October - 20 December 2007, France


IP Watch and ICVolontaires-France

Project details

IP Watch is a non-profit news service based in Geneva, that reports on the interests and behind-the-scenes dynamics that influence the design and implementation of international intellectual property policies. IP-Watch, established in 2004, aims to disseminate free information towards developing countries. It currently provides online and printed reports in English, French and Spanish.

IP Watch also provides monthly reporter key news and reports on Copyright and Patent Policy, trademarks/geographical indication, editorial, and inside views regarding the different themes such as:

  • Access to Knowledge
  • Biodiversity/Genetic Resources/Biotechnology
  • Broadcasting
  • Education
  • Human Rights
  • Internet and Communication Technology
  • Lobbying
  • Public Health
  • Technical Cooperation/Technology Transfer
  • Traditional and Indigenous Knowledge

For further information:

Role of ICVolunteers

Long-Term collaboration between ICVolontaires-France and IP Watch on the translation of reports related to intellectual property policies. ICVolontaires-France, through its translation services department, has started to collaborate in the translation of IP-Watch English reports into French and Spanish.

Volunteering Opportunities

We are looking for experienced translators.


  • Translate from EN-FR (need 3 or 4 people)
  • Translate from EN-SP (need 3 or 4 people)
  • Familiarity with UN system and jargon is a plus

If you are interested (or know of other people who are) and are willing to commit to share the work with three other translators, please send your CV and coordinates to If you have any other questions regarding the project or need any other details, please send an email to


IP Watch et ICVolontaires-France

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