Republic of Congo: ICT Capacity Building Centers for Women

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

16 August 2005 - 16 August 2006, Congo, Republic of the

Project details

Project Summary

The use of ICTs for development and the social changes triggered by associations and NGOs contribute to the reduction of poverty. The inclusion of specific needs of women in training programs linked to ICTs is essential.

The ICT training centers will offer training to young women active in associations/NGOs in Congo. The project is aimed at women living in both urban and rural areas.

In time, the project will help increase the number of qualified individuals able to use ICTs and thus increase the participation of young women in ICT projects, and generate jobs. The project also aims to promote volunteerism in the field of ICTs among young women. The centers will be opened in the ten departments of the Republic of Congo.

Role of the Cyber-Volunteers

The needs of the project in terms of cyber-volunteers are:

  • Web developers and trainers in the field of dynamic and interactive web sites
  • Availability of a software applications developer
  • Recruitment of a training module designer
  • Availability of an advisor with respect to the promotion of volunteerism in the field of ICTs for young women

Regarding the equipment, the project aims to establish a partnership with ICVolunteers and its partners, for the IT equipment of future ICT training centers.


AZUR Développement, an NGO that works in the field of capacity building for young women in Congo (Brazzaville). The network of Congolese young women, the members of which work for the socio-economic development of their communities.

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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