The charity, the Ethiopian food Appeal, will hold its annual bazaar at Awash Restaurant

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

15 November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
Restaurant Ethiopien l'Awash

Project details

Today, children still die of hunger in Ethiopia. The pains of hunger are an impediment for many to go to school and does not allow them to concentrate.

Confronted with this tragedy, a new association called "The Ethiopian Food Appeal" has been founded. In order to raise funds, the Association is organizing its annual bazaar on 15 June 2008 from 9.30 am to 6 pm at the Ethiopian Restaurant Awash (11, rue du Valais in Geneva).

There will be silver jewelry, hand-made scarves, caftans, bed covers, table cloths and napkins. It will also be an opportunity to buy the famous Ethiopian coffee, and taste the cuisine of which the restaurant will propose dishes at reasonable rates. All proceeds go to help children in Ethiopia.

It was during her professional trip to Ethiopia that Jo Butler, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Outreach Service and Secretary of the Trade and Development Board of UNCTAD, decided to found the new association. She was fascinated by the beauty of the country, its cultural wealth and diversity and its people. Yet, she was shocked to see the extreme poverty that exists to the point where she often had a hard time sleeping thinking about the children begging on her way to the office.

Ms. Butler first started a group of five persons among the international UN civil servants. With the help of the Ethiopian Red Cross, a school was identified, near the capital Addis Abeba, in need of long term food support and water purification equipment. Ms. Butler then launched a press conference to mobilize funds from Addis Abeba to New York. The students from the Lycée français and the International School of Addis Abeba have offered their services and renounced to take a study trip to Paris in order to mobilize funds. To date, more than 8 tons of food, cloths and books have been sent free of charge. "The Ethiopian Food Appeal" has also helped autistic children and has ensured the schooling and education of about 3,000 street children.

For more information, please contact Jo Elizabeth Butler at 022  917 5690.

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