6th Geneva Sustainable Living Festival

Photo © V. Krebs
Photo © V. Krebs

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

09 - 10 June 2007, Genève, Switzerland
Jardin botanique


Service cantonal du développement durable ville de Genève

Project details

The festival leaves Plainpalais to settle on the lush green landscape of the Botanical Garden near the Lac Leman to join the garden exposition on the 9th and 10th of June.

This year, the discussion focuses on a special day in the life of different characters and the daily activities they do which promote sustainable living.  It provides a practical guide that illustrates "good practices" to achieve this didactic and interactive journey.

Three themes including more than 60 stands are proposed.  The first theme covers biodiversity and what we need to do in order to preserve it.  The second embarks on the question of global warming and the possible solutions to slow it down.  Finally, the third theme engages the question of the social responsibility.

An exposition with 20 signs will be used as discussion thread with the public. These signs are particular in that they can be looked at with 3D glasses.
Ateliers, concerts, debates, stands of information or spectacles for young and old will decorate this festive and convivial weekend.  Likewise, your taste buds are not forgotten as a space is reserved where visitors can experience different flavors from all over the world.

For the first time, the demonstration will open its doors with the contemporary art created by up and coming Genovese artists invited to share with the public their concept of sustainable living.

Volunteering Opportunities

We are looking for welcome service volunteers. The roles of the volunteers are as follows:

  • General Information on the festival
  • Distribution of the program, the guide, and the glasses 3d
  • More specific Information on the site of the stands, the schedules of the shows and forums
  • Recovery of the glasses 3d at the exit

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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