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Immigration: Labor Integration Guide

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

10 - 21 January 2007, Barcelona, Spain


Catalan Federation of Social Voluntarism

Project details

Within the last 10 years, Spain evolved from being a country of emigration to a country of immigration. In fact, if one looks at the numbers, today Spain could be presented as one of the leading countries of immigration within the European Union.

ICVoluntarios-Barcelona collaborates with the Labor Insertion focal point of the Catalan Federation of Social Voluntarism, which its is about to publish a guide for Labor Insertion destined to companies that are planning to contract and work with socially disadvantaged people.

With practical examples of workers and companies, the guide is an useful tool for any firm planning to develop a Corporate Social Responsibility program.

Role of ICVolunteers

ICVoluntarios-Barcelona recruited 6 volunteer proofreaders and translators to make the corrections of the text before publication.

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