Handicap International: Diabetes Competence

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

21 - 23 November 2006, Lyon, France
Headquarters of Handicap International


Handicap International

Project details

About Handicap International

Getting a child, a woman or a man back on his or her feet, in a difficult environment made even crueller by poverty, migration or famine, is simply giving this person the means to survive on his or her own. Since 1982, Handicap International is serving the most vulnerable populations. It acts and lead advocacy campaigns in nearly 60 countries for vulnerable populations to regain their dignity and their place in their communities.

About the event

Managing the programmes that Handicap International is developing in nearly 45 countries necessitates the organisation of regular workshops, bringing together both internal (local and/or expatriate personnel) and external participants (partner networks, consultants...).

A meeting on incapacitating illnesses, particularly diabetes, will take place at the end of November in Lyon. Diabetes is a chronic illness triggered by a shortage or a deficiency of insulin, a hormone normally produced by the pancreas. This deficiency provokes an increase of blood sugar (hyperglycemia), phenomenon which has a number of harmful consequences for the body. Diabetes is, among other things, the cause of kidney and nerve problems and can cause cardiovascular diseases and even blindness.

The "Diabetes Competence" seminar will take place at the headquarters of Handicap International. Its aim is to discuss and exchange information about the measures and projects undertaken linked to diabetes and relative to three of Handicap International's programs (Burundi, India and Nicaragua) and the city of Lyon. These three countries have accepted to enter into the creative process to design a participative auto-evaluation tool to measure the competence of actors working in a city (or rural zone) and who are dealing with diabetes.

This tool will then be used as a base to carry out competency exchanges between zones, cities and countries.

The aims of the seminar are (1) to allow the exchange of practices between these three countries and Lyon, (2) to finalise and validate the final "diabetes competence" tool.

About ICV-France

ICV-France is a French non-governmental organisation. Its aim is the recruitment, training and coordination of volunteers to support non-profit projects linked to communication (conference support, cyber-volunteering and language services).

ICV-France is the European antenna of ICVolunteers, a global network of volunteers specialised in the domain of communications and working with volunteers from a hundred or so countries. Founded in 2005, ICV-France's mission is to manage the European projects of ICVolunteers. Located in Ferney-Voltaire, ICV-France works in close collaboration with ICV-Switzerland and the ICVolunteers Federation, therefore benefiting from the experience and influence of the international network.

Volunteering Opportunities

Interpretation in English, French and Spanish.


Schedule: 8h30/9h - 18h/18h30

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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