Conference on United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

10 - 11 September 2006, Geneva, Switzerland

Project details

The secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (CCNUCC) has received the first reports under the Kyoto Protocol, from Hungary, Japan and New Zealand. This constitutes an essential step for the countries to become eligible to participate in the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms.

The Swiss Confederation organized, in this context, several meetings on 10 and 11 September.

Role of ICVolunteers

ICVolunteers provided volunteers to take care of registration of participants and administration.

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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