Conference Endogenous Development and Bio-Cultural Diversity

The interplay of worldviews, globalisation and locality

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

03 - 05 October 2006, Geneva, Switzerland


Compas, Centre for Development and Environment CDE form the University of Bern, IUCN, and KFPE and will hosted by the Centre for Development Studies (IUED) of the University of Geneva

Project details

The conference will bring together some 50 actors of the COMPAS network with another 50 persons and relevant organisations having experiences in the promotion of bio-cultural and endogenous sustainable development. The list of participants and the abstracts we have received so far can be seen at

The main objectives of the conference are:

  1. Share and assess experiences on endogenous development and initiatives for enhancing bio-cultural diversity through policy, research, education and development initiatives.
  2. Recommend changes needed for development, research, education and policy aiming at endogenous development and bio-cultural diversity on the basis of co-evolution of different 'communities of knowing'.
  3. Strengthen strategic alliances and explore options for collaboration between Community-Based Organisations, NGOs, scientists and policy makers interested in further advancing endogenous development and bio-cultural development.

The programme of the conference involves plenary sessions and workshops on 10 different themes. The programme is included in a separate document and also the themes are elaborated in a document that is sent separately.

After the presentations, the groups reflects on the implications of the experiences and concepts discussed in the group and formulate recommendations for:

  • Policy making at national and international level
  • Reshaping relationships between research, education and development initiatives
  • Future collaborative initiatives.

The group will formulate conclusions and recommendations for each of these and present them to the plenary.

Each group will also formulate a text of not more than 50 words to be included in the Geneva declaration on endogenous development and bio-cultural diversity.

There will be 10 subgroups, each focussing on a particular theme.


  1. Culture and perceptions of nature in biodiversity and management of natural resources
  2. Food sovereignty and agriculture: foundations for an agenda that builds on diversity
  3. Economic, ecological and cultural dimensions of poverty reduction agendas and bio-cultural diversity (Spanish)
  4. Spirituality, religion and biocultural diversity
  5. Dialogues within and between knowledge systems and sciences
  6. Reshaping the development agenda: Worldviews and notions of development (Spanish)
  7. Health, human-nature relationships and ecosystems
  8. Territory, endogenous development and bio-cultural diversity (Spanish and English)
  9. Education and learning in endogenous development
  10. Traditional institutions local forms of governance and biocultural diversity

For more information:

Role of ICVolunteers

Volunteers from ICV provided logistical and administrative support to this Conference.

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