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Launch of House of Languages

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

11 July 2006, Barcelona, Spain



Project details

Linguam贸n? House of Languages is a consortium involving the Government of Catalonia, the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia and the Universal Forum of Cultures Foundation, with the aim of promoting the world's languages as a

  • vehicle for communication, civilisation and dialogue
  • source of personal development, human creativity and heritage of mankind
  • right of individuals and of linguistic communities

All languages are important and allow us to communicate, think and create new tools and machines, express feelings or resolve conflicts through dialogue, regardless of how many people speak these languages. In fact, for a linguistic community, having its own language can make these functions more effective.

Linguam贸n is working towards securing recognition for every language, and ensuring their coexistence by cooperating with specialists and organisations that share these objectives. As we live in a world that is connected by the Internet, which offers a great tool for linguistic diversity, languages in cyberspace are important.

On 11th July 2006, the International Scientific Committee of the House of Languages Museum was officially created, in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Pasqual Maragall, president of the Government of Catalonia. The scientific committee is being headed by the linguist David Crystal and is composed of experts from various fields, including education, planning of languages, demographics and economics.

Following the creation of the committee, several museum directors participated in a roundtable at Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Sala Prat de la Riba. Among the speakers were Jack Lohman, London Museum, London, United Kingdom; Jack Louw, The Afrikaans Language Museum, Paarl, South Africa; Jakob Messerli, Museum of Communications, Bern, Switzerland; Mikko Myllykoski, Museum Heureka, Vantaa, Finland and Jorge Wagensberg, Director of the 脌rea de Ci猫ncia i Medi Ambient de la Fundaci贸 "la Caixa", Barcelona. The roundtable was moderated by Imma Tubella, Rector of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Barcelona. Petit Palau. Palau de la M煤sica Catalana. The last part of the launch of Linguam贸n was a public presentation of the House of Languages, starting off with a conference on the theme of "The Future Starts Here" by David Crystal, followed by a musical performance presenting the diversity of languages and their strength of expression.

Role of ICVolunteers

ICVolunteers participated in the event in the capacity of its role of co-secretariat of the World Network for Linguistic Diversity.

External links

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