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Executive Council of Defense for Children International

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

20 - 21 September 2000, Geneva, Switzerland
Varembé Center


Defence for Children International (DCI).


40 members of the Executive Council of DCI.

Project details

Defence for Children International (DCI) is an independent, non-governmental organization set up in 1979, the International Year of the Child, to promote and protect the rights of the child. DCI has grown to become an international network with members in some 60 countries. It is in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, UNICEF, UNESCO and the Council of Europe. Based in Geneva, the Secretariat of DCI has a coordinating and communicating role within DCI's worldwide network enabling all parts to share information and experience through publications, workshops and conferences. The Secretariat maintains the largest, most comprehensive Documentation center on children's rights in existence with a collection of over 13,000 items.

Volunteering Opportunities

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