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Hewlett Packard Charity Day

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

16 December 2004, Geneva, Switzerland


Hewlett Packard

Project details

A day "to think of those who have no home, no food, no water, no peace". A day "to share ideas". This was the theme of the Hewlett Packard Charity Day organized out of the initative of staff at HP.

17 projects and non-profit organizations took place in the day, including Médecins sans frontières,  Frères de nos Frères and the innovative Mercy Ships, a global charity, that operates a growing fleet of hospital ships in developing nations. ICVolunteers had one of the 17 stands.

Also present, the HP Invent Centre, a center of expertise that focusses on 'the business of innovation'. Its mission is to help organisations come up with breakthrough business ideas, showing where leading-edge technology solutions and services can help to enable business success.

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