Bio Innovation Day 06

Image: Trypanosoma forms in blood smear from patient with African trypanosomiasis. Image courtesy The Public Health Image Library (PHIL)
Image: Trypanosoma forms in blood smear from patient with African trypanosomiasis. Image courtesy The Public Health Image Library (PHIL)

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

25 March 2006, Geneva, Switzerland
University Mail


University of Geneva

Project details

The University of Geneva, along with a number of other partners including the University of Lausanne and the EPFL, have decided to host a Bio-Innovation Day on March 25th 2006.

This date was chosen this date since it coincides with the World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology that will gather well over a thousand scientists and decision makers in research and development.

This event was intended to serve as a constructive interface between academia start ups and economic decision-makers. Within this framework, debates and presentations introduced the state-of-the art development in Life Sciences.

Start-ups, decision-makers, both from Science and Business were invited to share their points of views during extremely short "elevator-pitches" which described their projects or expectations in order to network and interact with their colleagues or potential financial partners.

For more information about the conference, see

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