2e Forum de l'alliance mondiale des villes contre la pauvretéResumen del proyectoFecha y lugar03 - 05 Abril 2000, Ginebra, SuizaCentro Internacional de Conferencias de Ginebra (CICG) OrganizadoresCity of Geneva and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Participantes350 Detalles del proyectoThe aim is to increase the effectiveness of the fight against poverty by enhancing co-operation between city, State and civic society. The conclusions this Forum will be reported in a seminar entitled, "Cities and Poverty", presented by the World Alliance of Cities during the Social Summit "Geneva 2000", taking place from 26 to 30 June 2000. This event is being organized by the Swiss Confederation to complement the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, which will be convened in Geneva at the same time. Geneva will host the second Forum of the World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty (WACAP) from 3 to 5 April 2000. Jointly organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the City of Geneva, with the support of the State of Geneva and the Swiss Confederation, this forum will bring together some 400 representatives, who will share their expertise and experience in the eradication of urban poverty. The issues under discussion will focus on de-centralization, development and co-operation. The plenary session will present these issues in the context of local financial constraints. Four workshops will deal with 'urban governance', 'pioneering social programmes', 'international co-operation between cities' and 'the city in the new millennium'. External linkshttp://www.internationalcitiesfund.orgOfficial site of the Second Forum of the World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty (WACAP) Oportunidades de voluntariado
Publicado: 2002-9-29 Actualizado: 2006-5-23 |