Genève Marathon

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

08 May 2005, Geneva, Switzerland


Genève Marathon.

Project details

In the context of the 2005 International Year of Sports and Physical Education, Geneva is organizing a marathon. The event is placed under the high patronage of the United Nations, with Mr. Adolf Ogi, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Sport for Development and Peace, who is Honorary President of the event.

In addition to being an important sporting event, Genève Marathon 2005 aims to raise awareness on issues of Human Rights among participants, sponsors, local authorities and the general public. The marathon (42.195 Km) and semi-marathon are open to seasoned runners in good physical condition. The organizing committee has been working in collaboration with the University Hospitals of Geneva to set up physical training and diet programs for participants to help prepare for the marathon.

The Suisse Foundation for de-mining, patron of Genève Marathon, will be organizing various events before and during the marathon.

External links

Volunteering Opportunities

Assistance and Security on the course, volunteer are needed:
  • 5am to 10am Sunday 8 May, in collaboration with local police, to help set up adequate safety conditions along the course
  • 6am to 12am, as race stewards to ensure security at specific points along the course
  • 8am to 3pm during the race, to assist in the distribution of refreshments, give out race medals, and provide help to participants.
To register as a volunteer please call +41 22 800 14 36 or by email kathy at

Short Term Projects

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