International Platform for Sustainable Urban Development

Volunteers take a break after reporting for S-DEV
Volunteers take a break after reporting for S-DEV

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

11 - 13 October 2005, Geneva, Switzerland


S'DEV Geneva 05 is sponsored by the City of Geneva and the Republic and Canton of Geneva, and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and is under the high patronage of the Director General of the United Nations in Geneva. Partners include the Swiss Ag

Project details

S-DEV Geneva is a new annual event concerning Sustainable Development. This year, S-DEV Geneva 05 will focus on innovations in the area of Sustainable Urban Development. It will encourage the exchange of ideas in the field of Sustainable Development across all sectors from the North and South through a conference, an exhibition and workshops.

Over three days, debates will be centred on Sustainable Urban Development, analysing how States, municipalities, enterprises and private citizens can take action individually and collectively to anticipate, tackle and correct the major environmental problems that threaten our future.

Also see

    External links

    Volunteering Opportunities

    ICVolunteers has been asked to recruit 100 or so volunteers for this event. Exact tasks have yet to be defined but will include welcome services, room supervision, exhibition support etc.

    Further details will be published on this website in due course.

    Short Term Projects

    ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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