Reunión de las Comisiones Nacionales de UNESCO

Resumen del proyecto

Fecha y lugar

19 - 23 Junio 2004, Zurich, Suiza
Hotel Renaissance


UNESCO, Secretary of the Swiss Commission

Detalles del proyecto

For the first time, a meeting of the UNESCO National Commissions for the Europe and North America Region was held in Switzerland.

Approximately 180 representatives from 60 countries attended the meeting (delegates from European countries, Canada, USA and Israel, and observers from Aruba, China, Iran, Libya, Mali, New Zealand, Uzbekistan and Sudan.) The meeting was composed of two main parts:

1. The Consultation of UNESCO's Director General's on the draft programme and budget for 2006-2007.

2. The 14th statutory regional conference of the National Commissions dedicated to the UN World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2004-2015. Recommendations were made regarding the many possible contributions of the Commissions to Decade.

Established in accordance with Article VII of UNESCO's Charter, National Commissions constitute a specific feature in the United Nations system as well as, in several respects, a 'comparative advantage' for UNESCO: by operating in every Member State, they provide a means of associating with UNESCO's activities and programmes not only the relevant ministerial departments but also the main institutions and, more broadly, the country's educational, scientific and cultural communities.

Being national bodies, the Commissions are by nature diverse, in terms of the means and resources made available to them as well as in their administrative and legal status. Such diversity is at the root of the wealth of experience and dynamism enjoyed by the National Commissions' Network.

External links

Oportunidades de voluntariado

Six volunteers were in charge of welcome services at the airport and in the hotel, registration, bag packing, flight check and office support.

Proyectos a corto plazo

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