...more Projects - Volunteerism

We found sixty-two matches.

Lifelong Learning: Knowledge Volunteers Conference

Lifelong Learning: Knowledge Volunteers Conference

21 September 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
Active aging and solidarity between generations: 7 countries meet around "The Knowledge Volunteers" (TKV) project. More...
ICTs for Africa Roundtable

ICTs for Africa Roundtable

21 September 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
On 21st September 2012, delegates from European and African countries met at the occasion of two roundtables to discuss the meaningful use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). More...
MigraLingua – Training modules for community interpreters

MigraLingua – Training modules for community interpreters

25 April - 24 May 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
In the framework of the MigraLingua program (linguistic accompaniement of Non-french speaking migrants, ICVolunteers is looking for Community interpreters to participate to its training modules. More...
GreenVoice Exhibition 2011

GreenVoice Exhibition 2011

11 July - 28 August 2011, Geneva, Switzerland
GreenVoice, a program of ICVolunteers is hosting its Environmental Photography Exhibition this summer for the third year running!. More...
Fête de la musique 2011

Fête de la musique 2011

17 - 19 June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland
The Fête de la Musique is a major event in Geneva's social life and allows the Genevan to meet. More...
Samedi du partage

Samedi du partage

27 November 2010, Genève, Switzerland
Face à l’explosion des demandes d’aide alimentaire et de repas gratuits dans le canton de Genève, les partenaires du Samedi du Partage ainsi que les associations bénéficiaires ont convenu d’organiser désormais deux collectes annuelles. More...
Project 2048: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Project 2048: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

10 December 2009, Geneva
Earthfocus, in collaboration with ICVolunteers, is organizing a Youth Debate around Project 2048: How can we make the Universal Declaration of Human Rights more relevant towards current issues? Which articles should be revised or added?. More...
Volunteering Opportunities in Geneva

Volunteering Opportunities in Geneva

03 December 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
Are you new to Geneva? Are you between jobs right now? Do you need something more fulfilling in your life? Why not attend our next forum, "Volunteering Opportunities in Geneva" on 3 December 2009. More...
Think Future, Volunteer Together

Think Future, Volunteer Together

19 November 2009, Brussels, Belgium
The European Volunteer Centre (CEV) is a European network of currently 74 mainly national and regional volunteer centers and volunteer development agencies across Europe, that together work to support and promote voluntary activity. More...
Cybervolunteering and Innovative Educational ICT Initiative

Cybervolunteering and Innovative Educational ICT Initiative

04 September 2009, Monterrey, Mexico
The aim of the workshop is to facilitate exchange around concrete ICT initiatives presented by young people from around the world. More...
Swiss Philanthropy Forum

Swiss Philanthropy Forum

05 March 2009, Zurich, Switzerland
The philanthropic world currently finds itself in the midst of huge growth and structural shift. More...
Training of community interpreters

Training of community interpreters

08 January 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
ICVolunteers is looking for voluntary french-speaking community interpreters, in the context of its Languages and Migration project, designed to provide linguistic support to the immigrant community in Geneva. More...
Fair: Humanitarian & Solidarity Professions

Fair: Humanitarian & Solidarity Professions

28 - 30 November 2008, Annemasse, France
On 28-30th of November 2008, Annemasse will host the First Fair on Humanitarian and Solidarity Professions ever organised in France. More...
Click to Download metiers_hum08.pdf (1.3M)
Over 1325 Billion Arguments for Human Security

Over 1325 Billion Arguments for Human Security

21 November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
The main goal of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) is to bring together women of different political beliefs and philosophies who are united in their determination to study, make known and help abolish the causes and legitimization of war. More...
Global Philanthropy

Global Philanthropy

Between creativity, ethics and responsibility
10 September 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
The world of philanthropy is experiencing profound changes. More...

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