Proyectos - Voluntariado

Encontramos resultados 62 entradas.

Knowledge Volunteers Project

Knowledge Volunteers Project

Largo plazo
El Proyecto de Voluntarios del Conocimiento, tiene como objetivo crear una red de "Voluntarios del conocimiento" de todas las edades, que puedan compartir sus experiencias y habilidades, contribuyendo así al desarrollo de una sociedad del conocimiento inclusiva. Más...
Pulse para descargar tkv_flyer_en.pdf (105.3K)
Ginebra: practicas y voluntariado

Ginebra: practicas y voluntariado

Largo plazo
La oficina de ICV en Ginebra desea reforzar su equipo. Más...
South Africa: Cape Town Volunteer Center

South Africa: Cape Town Volunteer Center

Largo plazo
The Cape Town Volunteer Center works with volunteers and community organizations in the Cape Town region. Más...
Universidad Europea

Universidad Europea

05 - 08 Octubre 2016, Strasbourg, Francia
Following successful Assemblies in Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany and The Netherlands that were established more than 20 years ago, the European University of Volunteering is coming to Strasbourg (Alsace), where it will convene its 8th Convention from 5th to 8th October, 2016. Más...
Volunteerism – Avenue for Social Transformation

Volunteerism – Avenue for Social Transformation

27 - 28 Noviembre 2014, Perm, Rusia
The Conference "Volunteerism – Avenue for Social Transformation" is an annual international forum aimed at forming effective cooperation and experience exchange among volunteers from different countries and at dissemination of successful social voluntary practices. Más...
KFH Information Day 2014

KFH Information Day 2014

Capacity building for development
14 Noviembre 2014, Geneva, Suiza
Institutions and organizations working on development are focusing more and more on sustaining and promoting “Capacity Building” at individual, professional and organizational level in developing and transitional countries. Más...
Pulse para descargar infodayprogram.pdf (409.5K)
7th European University for Volunteering

7th European University for Volunteering

09 - 12 Septiembre 2014, Aachen, Alemania
The European University for Volunteering (EUV) focuses on research linked to volunteering and the volunteer sector. Más...
Coalition Nationale des Jeunes Volontaires pour le Développement

Coalition Nationale des Jeunes Volontaires pour le Développement

26 Marcha 2014, Mopti, Bamako, Mali
La Coalition Nationale des Jeunes Volontaires Pour le Développement a procédé à la formation de 350 jeunes sélectionnés sur l’outil informatique et l’internet. Más...
2013 Indigenous Fellowship

2013 Indigenous Fellowship

17 Junio - 12 Julio 2013, Geneva, Suiza
La Oficina de las Naciones Unidas del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos (OACDH) creó en 2007 el programa sobre comunidades indígenas en el contexto de la primera década internacional de la población indígena del mundo (1995-2004). Más...
Info Session

Info Session

07 Mayo 2013, Suiza
You have free time and you are willing to get involved locally and internationally? ICV offers a wide range of volunteering activities in a variety of areas. Más...
Employee Volunteering: IT and Social Media

Employee Volunteering: IT and Social Media

19 Abril 2013, Dublin, Irlanda, República de
Information Technologies (IT) and Social Media: Are useful for my employee volunteering program? Which IT solutions could support our program? Social Media: advantage or disadvantage. Más...
Multistakeholder First WSIS+10 Review Event

Multistakeholder First WSIS+10 Review Event

27 Febrero 2013, Paris, Francia
As part of the WSIS+10 Review Event (25-27 February 2013), UNESCO has addressed, together with its partners, the major challenges in building Knowledge Societies for sustainable development. Más...
Pulse para descargar wsis_201302.pdf (228.8K)

Conference on Volunteerism for Social Transformation

05 - 06 Diciembre 2012, Perm, Rusia
The Pan-Russian Forum “Volunteer of Russia 2012” took place in Perm, Russia, on December 3-6, with the aim to develop partnership among civil society institutions in the field of volunteerism and charity to solve social problems of local communities. Más...
Public debate on Pesticides and Farming Practices

Public debate on Pesticides and Farming Practices

09 Octubre 2012, Guédé-Chantier, Senegal
A public debate and the screening of two documentaries took place in Guédé-Chantier, Sénégal, on 9 October 2012. Más...
Philanthropy Forum

Philanthropy Forum

22 Septiembre 2012, Suiza
StiftungsZentrum. Más...

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