...more Projects - Health

We found fifty-one matches.

World Cancer Congress

World Cancer Congress

27 - 31 August 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
Every two years, the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) World Cancer Congress brings together the world's leaders in the fight to control cancer. More...
7th General Assembly of the World Blind Union

7th General Assembly of the World Blind Union

15 - 23 August 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
The General Assembly of the World Blind Union (WBU) is held every four years. More...
AIDS 2008

AIDS 2008

03 - 08 August 2008, Mexico City, Mexico
The very first International AIDS Conference was held back in 1985 in Atlanta, United States of America. More...
2nd Geneva Health Forum

2nd Geneva Health Forum

25 - 27 May 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
It is my aspiration that health will finally be seen not as a blessing to be wished for, but as a human right to be fought for. More...
Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2008

Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2008

14 - 16 May 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is focusing on its growing role of bringing global health initiatives to local community level through its network of volunteers across the world. More...
11th International Colloquium on Voluntary, Non-Remunerated Blood Donors

11th International Colloquium on Voluntary, Non-Remunerated Blood Donors

12 - 18 January 2008, Cairo, Egypt
This 11th International Colloquium on the Recruitment of Voluntary, Non-Remunerated Blood Donors (Cairo, Egypt, 12-18 January 2008) is cosponsored by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, and is hosted by the Egyptian Red Crescent. More...
Swiss Proteomics Society 2007 Congress

Swiss Proteomics Society 2007 Congress

03 - 05 December 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
On the 3rd of December 2007, the congress of the Swiss Proteomics Society will start in Lausanne, at the Ecole Hôtelière. More...
Down Syndrome Association First Fun Walk

Down Syndrome Association First Fun Walk

03 November 2007, Mitchells Plain, South Africa
On 3rd November 2007, a fun day creating awareness regarding persons with Down Syndrome took place in the Cape Town region. More...
XVII Intl. Congress for Analytical Psychology

XVII Intl. Congress for Analytical Psychology

Clinical - Communal - Cultural
12 - 17 August 2007, Cape Town, South Africa
The International Association for Analytical Psychology is organizing its 2007 Congress in Cape Town, South Africa. More...
Africa@home: AIMS workshop on Volunteer Computing

Africa@home: AIMS workshop on Volunteer Computing

16 - 22 July 2007, Muizenberg (Cape Province), South Africa
The AIMS workshop on Volunteer Computing for Africa will introduce participants to state-of-the-art open source software technologies behind distributed computing and cyber-volunteerism on the Internet. More...
Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2007

Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2007

09 - 11 May 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is focusing on its growing role of bringing global health initiatives to local community level through its network of volunteers across the world. More...
Strategies for prosthetics & orthotics education and training in Europe

Strategies for prosthetics & orthotics education and training in Europe

28 - 31 March 2007, Valencia, France
We participated on the behalf of Handicap International to interpret for a Romanian participant, Paul Ciobanel, who is the director of the only school of prosthetics and orthotics in Romania. More...

Handicap International: Diabetes Competence

21 - 23 November 2006, Lyon, France
Getting a child, a woman or a man back on his or her feet, in a difficult environment made even crueller by poverty, migration or famine, is simply giving this person the means to survive on his or her own. More...
Geneva Forum: Towards Global Access to Health

Geneva Forum: Towards Global Access to Health

30 August - 01 September 2006, Geneva, Switzerland
It is widely recognized that health is key to prosperity; faced with a globalizing economy, the challenges involved in ensuring access to health have become a matter of great concern and debate. More...
Bio Innovation Day 06

Bio Innovation Day 06

25 March 2006, Geneva, Switzerland
The University of Geneva, along with a number of other partners including the University of Lausanne and the EPFL, have decided to host a Bio-Innovation Day on March 25th 2006. More...

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