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Projects - Older persons

We found twelve matches.

3rd ACTing for Elderly Meeting

3rd ACTing for Elderly Meeting

22 - 24 October 2014, Rome, Italy
The ACTing project partners will meet in Rome at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale premises for the 3rd project meeting. More...
Lifelong Learning: Knowledge Volunteers Conference

Lifelong Learning: Knowledge Volunteers Conference

21 September 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
Active aging and solidarity between generations: 7 countries meet around "The Knowledge Volunteers" (TKV) project. More...
Philanthropy Forum

Philanthropy Forum

22 September 2011, Geneva, Switzerland
The theme of the Philanthropy Forum focuses on the issues related to philanthropy in sight of recent developments. More...
Think Future, Volunteer Together

Think Future, Volunteer Together

19 November 2009, Brussels, Belgium
The European Volunteer Centre (CEV) is a European network of currently 74 mainly national and regional volunteer centers and volunteer development agencies across Europe, that together work to support and promote voluntary activity. More...

AIUTA World Conference

12 - 15 October 2004, Shanghai, China, mainland
This biannual conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas for all those dealing with the well being and continued training of older persons. More...

International Older Persons Day

14 October 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
The gathering organized at the occasion of the International Older Persons Day focused this year on the role of grand parents. More...

AIUTA - Annual General Meeting and Preparatory Session for the Shanghai Conference

25 - 27 March 2004, Paris, France
This biannual conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas for all those dealing with the well being and continued training of older persons. More...

21st International Congress of Universities of the Third Age

02 - 05 October 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
This biannual conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas for all those dealing with the well being and continued training of older persons. More...

17th Bi-Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Gerontology

31 October - 02 November 2001, Geneva, Switzerland
Each annual conference of the SSG is placed under a specific theme. More...

International Day of Older Persons

03 October 2001, Geneva, Switzerland
Sorry, no summary is available.
The Next Step in Social Development (Geneva 2000)

The Next Step in Social Development (Geneva 2000)

22 - 30 June 2000, Geneva, Switzerland
For only the second time in its history, the United Nations General Assembly met in Special Session outside its headquarters in New York. More...
International Day of Older Persons

International Day of Older Persons

02 October 1999, Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, with dance and music, a questions and answers session, multicultural food stands, the WHO Global Walk event symbolizing a voyage around the World, as well as storytelling and readings and exhibitions. More...

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