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Primer Simposio Internacional sobre la Educaci贸n Post-primaria de los Refugiados

Primer Simposio Internacional sobre la Educaci贸n Post-primaria de los Refugiados

18 - 19 Septiembre 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
There are at least 1,5 million refugee children aged 12-17 in developing countries today. M谩s...
Foro Mundial de la Sociedad Civil (FMSC 2002)

Foro Mundial de la Sociedad Civil (FMSC 2002)

08 - 20 Julio 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
The Forum aimed to facilitate and strengthen cooperation between civil society (NGOs, indigenous peoples, research centers, etc. M谩s...
Seguimiento del AIV 2001 y la cooperaci贸n internacional entre organizaciones que trabajan con voluntarios

Seguimiento del AIV 2001 y la cooperaci贸n internacional entre organizaciones que trabajan con voluntarios

19 Julio 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
SummaryChair Ms Viola Krebs of International Conference Volunteers introduced six panelists with international and regional experience in coordinating, promoting and funding volunteerism. M谩s...

XIV Conferencia Mundial sobre el SIDA

07 - 12 Julio 2002, Barcelona, Espa帽a
The 12th World AIDS Conference took place in Geneva, Switzerland. M谩s...

PrepCom I de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Informaci贸n

01 - 05 Julio 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
On 21 December 2001, the UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 endorsed the framework for the Summit adopted by the ITU Council. M谩s...

WebForce Forum 2002

06 - 08 Mayo 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
Today, 80% of the Internet users are located in developed countries. M谩s...

16e Salon du livre et de la presse

01 - 05 Mayo 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
The international book and press fair draws some 120'000 visitors annually. M谩s...

Inauguraci贸n de la Sede del Fondo Internacional de Solidaridad de la Ciudades contra la Pobreza

12 Abril 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
The cities of Bamako (Mali), Geneva (Switzerland) and Lyon (France) launched on 5 March 2001 in Lyon the first International Solidarity Fund of Cities Against Poverty (FSCP). M谩s...
Formation pour d茅fenseurs de survivants aux mines antipersonnel

Formation pour d茅fenseurs de survivants aux mines antipersonnel

28 - 30 Enero 2002, Ginebra, Suiza
For several years the personal stories presented by landmine survivors have had a significant impact in reminding experts, diplomats and decision-makers of the human faces behind issues being discussed. M谩s...


01 - 02 Diciembre 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
No hay resumen disponible.
Simposio Internacional sobre el Voluntariado

Simposio Internacional sobre el Voluntariado

18 - 21 Noviembre 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
The year 2001, proclaimed International Year of Volunteers (IYV 2001) by the United Nations, provides a timely opportunity to highlight the achievements of millions of volunteers worldwide. M谩s...

17陋 Reuni贸n bi-anual de la Soci茅dad Suiza de Gerontolog铆a

31 Octubre - 02 Noviembre 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
Each annual conference of the SSG is placed under a specific theme. M谩s...
Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas de las Naciones Unidas

Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas de las Naciones Unidas

27 - 28 Octubre 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
UN agencies in Geneva will open their gates to the public on 27 to 28 October 2001. M谩s...

D铆a Internacional de Personas de Edad

03 Octubre 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
No hay resumen disponible.

VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociaci贸n para la Investigaci贸n Intercultural (ARIC)

24 - 28 Septiembre 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
The main theme of VIII Congress of ARIC is "Intercultural Research and Practices? New Fields, New Complexities?". M谩s...

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