This Information Bulletin is produced thanks to a partnership between the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO) and ICVolunteers. M谩s...
El informe contiene resúmenes de sesiones y artículos sobre el Grupo de trabajo de las poblaciones indígenas organizado en Ginebra en julio 2003. M谩s...
For several years the personal stories presented by landmine survivors have had a significant impact in reminding experts, diplomats and decision-makers of the human faces behind issues being discussed. M谩s...
06 Febrero - 06 Mayo 2003, La Coru帽a - Galicia, Espa帽a
El pasado mes de noviembre el buque "Prestige" se partió en dos en plena tormenta y se hundió a unos 200 kilómetros de la costa, en el noroeste español. M谩s...
Le projet s'attaque aux sérieux besoins sanitaires et sociaux de la population palestinienne ainsi que ceux de la population israélienne, tells qu'ils ont été évalués par l'OMS et les autres agences de santé de la région. M谩s...
La Coral Iberamericana de Ginebra "CantareS" est un ensemble polyphonique mixte, ayant pour principal objectif de diffuser le vaste patrimoine musical iberoaméricain. M谩s...
The Bellerive Foundation, in association with the International School of Geneva and the team who have worked on the magazine for young people, Earth Focus, was celebrating the tenth anniversary of the magazine in presence of Ms. M谩s...
The aim of this conference is to exchange ideas linked to "the social challenge of development", a theme that is also the subject of a RUIG research project. M谩s...