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Reporting on UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations

Reporting on UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations

21 - 25 July 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
The NGO information bulletin provides summaries and articles about the Working Group on Indigenous Populations, held in Geneva during the last week of July 2003. More...

World Summit on the Information Society Intersessional Meeting

15 - 18 July 2003, Paris, France
On 21 December 2001, the UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 endorsed the framework for the Summit adopted by the ITU Council. More...

First Congress of the Alliance for a Culture of Peace

22 - 27 June 2003, Caux, Switzerland
During 4 days, 50 influent personalities, i. More...

Seminar - Value volunteering (in French)

06 June 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
Le Bénévolat Le travail bénévole représente une contribution essentielle pour notre société. More...

News Service for the 56th World Health Assembly

19 - 28 May 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
The 56th World Health Assembly (WHA) takes place from 19-28 May 2003 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. More...

50ème anniversaire du Centre John Knox

24 - 26 May 2003, Genève, Switzerland
Le Centre John Knox a célébré son 50ème anniversaire. More...

Training for Landmine Survivors

08 - 16 May 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
For several years the personal stories presented by landmine survivors have had a significant impact in reminding experts, diplomats and decision-makers of the human faces behind issues being discussed. More...
Rescue Campaign for Birds threatened by Oil Disaster

Rescue Campaign for Birds threatened by Oil Disaster

06 February - 06 May 2003, La Coruña - Galicia, Spain
The Prestige, an oil tanker, sank after splitting in two in heavy weather about 200 kilometers (130 miles) northwest of the Spanish coast in November 2002. More...

Meeting of the Solidarity Fund of Cities Against Poverty

30 April 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
Le projet s'attaque aux sérieux besoins sanitaires et sociaux de la population palestinienne ainsi que ceux de la population israélienne, tells qu'ils ont été évalués par l'OMS et les autres agences de santé de la région. More...
News Service for the 59th United Nations Commission on Human Rights (CHR)

News Service for the 59th United Nations Commission on Human Rights (CHR)

17 March - 25 April 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights is the world's foremost human rights forum. More...
Concerts of CantareS

Concerts of CantareS

30 April 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
La Coral Iberamericana de Ginebra "CantareS" est un ensemble polyphonique mixte, ayant pour principal objectif de diffuser le vaste patrimoine musical iberoaméricain. More...
Anniversary of Earth Focus

Anniversary of Earth Focus

26 March 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
The Bellerive Foundation, in association with the International School of Geneva and the team who have worked on the magazine for young people, Earth Focus, was celebrating the tenth anniversary of the magazine in presence of Ms. More...
Maison Chance, Envol

Maison Chance, Envol

15 January - 15 March 2003, Ho Chi Minh Ville, Viet Nam
The Maison Chance Association works in favor of the disabled and orphans in an underprivileged district of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. More...

Conference "Social Challenge of Development"

26 - 28 February 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
The aim of this conference is to exchange ideas linked to "the social challenge of development", a theme that is also the subject of a RUIG research project. More...
World Summit on the Information Society PrepCom 2

World Summit on the Information Society PrepCom 2

17 - 28 February 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
On 21 December 2001, the UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 endorsed the framework for the Summit adopted by the ITU Council. More...

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