...more ProjectsWe found many matches (>four hundred forty!). You might try limiting your search more, or using the search engine. KFH Information Day 2014Capacity building for development 14 November 2014, Geneva, Switzerland Institutions and organizations working on development are focusing more and more on sustaining and promoting “Capacity Building” at individual, professional and organizational level in developing and transitional countries. More... Click to Download infodayprogram.pdf (409.5K) Ghana Ethical Fashion training26 October - 13 November 2014, Accra, Ghana The Ethical Fashion Ghana project aims to promote the development of the ethical fashion industry in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mali. More... Geneva NGO Forum - Beijing+2003 - 05 November 2014, Geneva, Switzerland The 4th World Conference on Women (4WCW), convened in Beijing in 1995, was an historical occasion where UN Member States adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA). More... International Expert Meeting on Improving Access to Multilingual Cyberspace28 - 29 October 2014, Paris, France This two-day event will bring together more than 50 leading experts from 26 countries representing all of UNESCO’s regions to discuss trends, challenges and opportunities for linguistic diversity in cyberspace. More... Social Innovation and Ethics Forum 201422 - 24 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland The first edition of the Social Innovation and Global Ethics Forum (SIGEF 2014) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland from 22 to 24 October 2014 at the International Conference Center (CICG) in Geneva. More... 3rd ACTing for Elderly Meeting22 - 24 October 2014, Rome, Italy The ACTing project partners will meet in Rome at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale premises for the 3rd project meeting. More... Acute Cardiovascular Care 201417 - 20 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland The Third Annual Congress of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association will bring together both young cardiologists and renowned experts around its main theme: “Highly vulnerable patient”. More... World Investment Forum 2014 – UNCTAD13 - 16 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland The World Investment Forum is an event designed to facilitate dialogue and action on the world’s key emerging investment-related challenges. More... Philanthropy Forum25 September 2014, Genève, Switzerland Economic and environmental conditions have led in the past to increasing calls for alternative pathways of development towards a green future. More... Click to Download philantrophie_2014.pdf (386.7K) Sew to Speak12 - 14 September 2014, Bellevue, Switzerland Common Threads is organizing the first international Arpillera and Story Cloth conference, in Geneva, from September 12-14, 2014. More... 7th European University for Volunteering09 - 12 September 2014, Aachen, Germany The European University for Volunteering (EUV) focuses on research linked to volunteering and the volunteer sector. More... Citizen day -- Let's do it!27 August 2014, Geneva, Switzerland On 27 August 2014, ICVolunteers will be organizing a citizen day to clean riverbanks and the lake in the Geneva area. More... Fête de la musique 201420 - 22 June 2014, Geneva, Switzerland The Fête de la Musique is a major event in Geneva's social life and allows the Genevan to meet. More... AgriGuide, seminar Hepia12 - 21 May 2014, Switzerland As part of their curriculum, students from the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, technology, architecture and landscape (hepia in Geneva), analyzed the content of the AgriGuide in order to propose concrete suggestions on how to improve it. More... Geneva Health Forum15 - 17 April 2014, Geneva, Switzerland Global Health: Interconnected Challenges, Integrated Solutions. More... Result page: « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Next » |