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World Summit on the Information Society PrepCom II

World Summit on the Information Society PrepCom II

17 - 25 Febrero 2005, Geneva, Suiza
The World Summit on the Information Society --Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005-- provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. Más...
Portail Coopération Décentralisée au Mali

Portail Coopération Décentralisée au Mali

13 Febrero 2005 - 02 Febrero 2006, Bamako, Mali
Dans le contexte de la décentralisation, l'Association des Municipalités du Mali a développé une base de données sur les communes du Mali plus spécifiquement orienté sur la situation des élus. Más...

WIPO Development Agenda an Treaty on Access to Knowledge

03 Febrero 2005, Suiza
No hay resumen disponible.


29 Enero 2005, Ginebra, Suiza
Decade of the United Nations on Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014): which commitments at the national level? A Forum, devoted to this question and organized under the patronage of the Swiss Commission for UNESCO will take place on January 29, 2005 in Geneva. Más...

Evento de información y movilización de recursos para el Programa Cyber-Voluntarios

26 Enero 2005, Ginebra, Suiza
ICVolunteers would like to call on you as a friend to make its new Cyber-Volunteers Program a success. Más...

Tapori, ATD-Quart Monde

15 - 16 Enero 2005, Mery sur Oise (París), Francia
TAPORI, ça sert à mettre tous les enfants ensemble pour construire un monde sans misère! (Leah). Más...
WSIS African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSIS

WSIS African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSIS

01 - 04 Febrero 2005, Accra, Ghana
The African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSIS,in Accra, with the theme "Access? Africa's key to an inclusive Information Society" will prepare Africa for an effective participation in the second phase of the WSIS to ensure a strategic and interdependent digital partnership that will promote economic growth and human development of the continent. Más...
Reunión de la Oficina de la Sociedad Civil, Cumbre sobre la Sociedad de la Información

Reunión de la Oficina de la Sociedad Civil, Cumbre sobre la Sociedad de la Información

05 - 06 Diciembre 2004, Cape Town, Sudáfrica
The World Summit on the Information Society?Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005? provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. Más...
Hewlett Packard Charity Day

Hewlett Packard Charity Day

16 Diciembre 2004, Geneva, Suiza
A day "to think of those who have no home, no food, no water, no peace". Más...
Formaciones para los sobrevivientes de minas antipersonales

Formaciones para los sobrevivientes de minas antipersonales

01 - 30 Noviembre 2004, Nairobi, Kenia
For several years, the personal stories presented by landmine survivors have had a significant impact in reminding experts, diplomats and decision-makers of the human faces behind issues being discussed. Más...

Dette et entraide: défis et opportunités pour les ONG européennes

28 - 30 Noviembre 2004, Soesterberg, Holanda
Eurodad's 2004 Annual Conference explored the role of European NGOs in relation to debt and aid, considering which institutions to target and what strategies to employ to create real change. Más...

International Dialogue on Human Rights: Issues in Gender and Sexuality

09 - 13 Diciembre 2004, Geneva, Suiza
The International Dialogue provided an opportunity for organizations active in advancing sexual orientation, gender and gender identity issues regionally and internationally to gather in Geneva, meet with the new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, engage in training prior to the next Commission on Human Rights, connect with Brazil and key country missions, identify priorities, strengthen regional networks and develop tools for working together as effectively as possible. Más...

Conferencia Mundial de AIUTA

12 - 15 Octubre 2004, Shanghai, China continental
This biannual conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas for all those dealing with the well being and continued training of older persons. Más...
Casa Alianza: soirée contrastes

Casa Alianza: soirée contrastes

02 Octubre 2004, Ginebra, Suiza
Casa Alianza is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to the reintegration of street children in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua. Más...


27 Septiembre - 01 Octubre 2004, Ginebra, Suiza
The International Metropolis Project is a set of coordinated activities carried out by a membership of research, policy and non-governmental organizations who share a vision of strengthened migration policy by means of applied academic research. Más...

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