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...more Projects - Languages: interpretation

ICVolunteers recruits and coordinates volunteer interpreters. They are professionals, as well as student interpreters and multilingual individuals. ICVolunteers offers both simultaneous and consecutive volunteer interpretation. See also section on languages: translation.

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General Assembly of the Mediterranean - Mare Nostrum Federation

General Assembly of the Mediterranean - Mare Nostrum Federation

24 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain
On April 24th the General Assembly of the Mediterranean - Mare Nostrum Federation was held in the Anteneu Barcelonès in Barcelona. More...

Deuxième congrès international de la Société suisse de travail social SSTS

21 - 23 March 2010, Genève, Switzerland
L'année 2010 est consacrée par l'Union européenne "Année de lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale". More...
4th World Congress Against the Death Penalty

4th World Congress Against the Death Penalty

24 - 26 February 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
The World Congresses against the death penalty gather hundreds of participants who unite to elaborate national, regional and international strategies towards universal abolition. More...
Project 2048: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Project 2048: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

10 December 2009, Geneva
Earthfocus, in collaboration with ICVolunteers, is organizing a Youth Debate around Project 2048: How can we make the Universal Declaration of Human Rights more relevant towards current issues? Which articles should be revised or added?. More...
Eurasia International Digital Exchange and Advocacy Network

Eurasia International Digital Exchange and Advocacy Network

01 - 03 December 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
CIVICUS is the World Alliance for Citizen Participation is an international alliance of members and partners which constitute an influential network of organizations. More...
General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliances

General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliances

15 - 20 November 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
The International Co-operative Alliances is an independent, non-governmental organisation which unites, represents and serves co-operatives worldwide. More...
Think Future, Volunteer Together

Think Future, Volunteer Together

19 November 2009, Brussels, Belgium
The European Volunteer Centre (CEV) is a European network of currently 74 mainly national and regional volunteer centers and volunteer development agencies across Europe, that together work to support and promote voluntary activity. More...
Symposium International sur le Multilinguisme dans le Cyberespace

Symposium International sur le Multilinguisme dans le Cyberespace

29 - 30 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain
Le Symposium International sur le Multilinguisme dans le Cyberespace est construit autour d’un objectif: engager un débat sur les enjeux et les défis du cyberespace dans son rapport avec les langues. More...
Practical application of economic, social and cultural rights

Practical application of economic, social and cultural rights

International workshop
16 - 20 June 2009, Bangalore, India
An exciting, international workshop is being held in India on 16 to 20 June 2009 and trilingual interpreters are required for the event. More...

Global Issues Network Conference

Giving everyone a chance
19 - 21 March 2009, Geneva
Le Global Issue Network (GIN) a pour mission de faire prendre conscience aux étudiants de leur potentiel commun et de les encourager à travailler avec leurs homologues internationaux afin de développer des solutions autour de problèmes globaux. More...


25 - 27 February 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
The purpose of the 2009 HURIDOCS Conference, Human Rights Council and International Criminal Court: The New Challenges for Human Rights Communications is to reflect upon how information about human rights can be communicated more effectively by NGOs to institutions such as the Human Rights Council (HRC) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). More...
International Commission of Jurists: World Congress 2008

International Commission of Jurists: World Congress 2008

01 - 03 December 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
On 2 and 3 December 2008, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) will hold its World Congress in Geneva, Switzerland. More...
Fight against Landmines

Fight against Landmines

25 - 27 November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
With two months remaining until the international treaty banning cluster bombs is opened for signature in Norway at the beginning of December, civil society representatives are calling on all States to announce their intent to sign. More...
ICV Info Session

ICV Info Session

24 November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
ICVolunteers involves volunteers from many backgrounds and coming from some 100 countries. More...
First International Forum on Violence against Women

First International Forum on Violence against Women

20 - 22 November 2008, Barcelona, Spain
In the conclusions of the III Forum on Violence against Women 2007, there was the firm proposal that in the IV edition of the Forum, there should be a space for putting in common efforts to fight for awareness raising and the eradication of violence against the women in all of Spain and more broadly speaking in Europe. More...

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